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New to Hockey

New to Hockey

For a lot of people starting hockey can be very daunting. All of the gear, all the new lingo, and everything else can make your head spin off into orbit. Don't worry, at 140 Ice Den we want to help you with any questions you might have. 

The Beginning for Hockey

Hockey Helmet Sizing

Hockey helmets, as you can imagine, are the most important piece of protective equipment you can purchase. So it goes without saying that while you can manage oversized shin pads or undersized shoulder pads, if your helmet doesn’t fit correctly, you are setting yourself up for a potentially traumatic injury.

Hockey Cage and Visor Guide

Cage, visor or no visor? This is a question that many hockey players face. After minor hockey it is up to the player to decide which type of protection they use (although some adult leagues do require cages).

Hockey Helmets

Hockey Sticks

Beginner's Guide to Hockey Sticks

Hockey sticks, like skates, are considered to be one of the most important and personal pieces of equipment for players. Although you may only have the puck on your stick for a few seconds at a time during a game, you wan’t to make them count!

Stick Buying Gudie

Knowing what to look for when it comes to stick can save the deer in the headlights look for another subject.

Hockey Player Gear

Hockey Skates

Goalie Equipment Guide

Goalies have different gear for different reasons. It would be good to know what you should be looking for

Top 10 Questions About Goalie Gear

What are the most common questions about goalie gear?

Soft vs Stiff goalie Pads

The age old question of how stiff should goalie pads be? Is there a difference?

Hockey Goalie Gear

Extra Hockey Knowledge

Basics about Hockey

The basic knowledge about the game and the rules for hockey.

5 Essential Accessories

The gear for a hockey player is non-negotiable, but there are a few non gear items that should also be on this list.

The Hockey Smell

The number one complaint about hockey is the smell from the gear. IS there something you can do about it?